GHIM Hydraulics Srl - Via dell' Industria, 40 - 25030 ERBUSCO - (BS) - ITALY
Hydraulic Units - Power Packs |
Choice of Hydraulic Units - Power Pack Products Line - GHIM Hydraulics Srl
GHIM Hydraulics Srl based on many years of experience collected in the study and implementation of applications that require the use of CENTRAL HYDRAULIC has created a new line of high efficiency POWER UNIT able to meet the needs of our customers most qualified. The plants described here were created by combining the experience gained: Requests detected in the course of the study of market needs; solid modeling and finite element verification; the study of a modern design; new processing technologies; the choice and combination of materials so as to obtain a manufactured highly reliable and durable.
The production of mini power packs GHIM provides numerous models for single or double acting engine sizes and in various configurations: for mounting on the tank, with unloading valve, CETOP valves with emergency pump, etc.. The production of hydraulic power units GHIM provides
numerous models for single or double effect in various displacements
and in various configurations: for mounting on the tank, with unloading
valve, CETOP valves with emergency pump, heat exchangers, accumulators
with with proportional valves, etc.. All panels are generally fitted with pressure relief valve and check valve designed to protect the pump in case of mishandling or malfunction of the 'use.
In addition to the production of power packs, GHIM Hydraulics manufactures and markets other hydraulic products divided into fifteen Product Lines. By clicking the "Product Lines" you can connect to the summary page of the product families.
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Supporti Supporti Traino Motori a Ingranaggi Distributori Kit Elettrici Sistemi Alzacentina Innesti Rapidi Kit Flangia - Giunti Cardanici Divisori di Flusso Pompe a Ingranaggi Pompe a Mano Scambiatori di Calore Cilindri Oleodinamici Filtri Oleodinamici Kit Idraulico per Trattori Stradali Minicentraline DC - AC Motori Oleodinamici Tubi Oleodinamici Centrali Oleodinamiche Gruppo Finecorsa Kit Raccordi Comandi Meccanici e Pneumatici Valvole Oleodinamiche Varie Elettropompe Pompe a Pistoni Prese di Forza Pulsantiere Radiocomando Innesti a Frizione Serbatoi Martinetti Oleodinamici Valvole per Ribaltabile Verricelli |
Brackets Asae Supports Bi-Directional Hydraulic Gear Motors Control Valves Electric Kits Elevating Roof System Fast Couplings Flange Kit - Drive Shafts Flow Dividers Gear Pumps Hand Pumps Heat Exchangers Hydraulic Cylinders Hydraulic Filters Hydraulic Kit for Truck Tractors Hydraulic Mini Power Pack Hydraulic Motors Hydraulic Pipe Hydraulic Units Limit Switch Group Lp & Hp Fittings Mechanic and Pneumatic Controls Miscellaneous Hydraulic Valves Motor Pumps Piston Pumps Power Take Off Push Button Panel Radio Remote Control Slick-Shift Clutches Tanks Telescopic Jacks Tipping Valves Winches |
Supports Supports Tirage Moteur a Engrenages Distributeurs Kits Électriques Rehaussements Raccords Rapides Flange Kit - Drive Shafts Diviseurs de Debit Pompes a Engrenages Pompe a Main Échangeurs de Chaleur Cylindres Hydrauliques Filtres Hydrauliques Kit pour Équipements Hydrauliques Centrale Hydraulique Moteurs Hydrauliques Tuyaux Unités Hydrauliques Groupe Fin de Course Kit Raccords Commandes Flexible et Pneumatiques Vannes Hydrauliques Diverses Electropompes Pompes a Pistons Prises de Mouvement Boîtes À Boutons Radiocommande Accouplements à Friction Réservoirs Telescopic Jacks Distributeurs Hydrauliques pour Bennes Treuilles |
Lager Halterungen Zugvorrichtung Zahnradmotoren Wegeventile Elektrisch Einbausätze Hubdach System Schnellsteckanschlüsse Flange Kit - Drive Shafts Stromteilerventile Zahnradpumpen Handpumpen Wärmetauscher Hydraulikzylinder Hydraulikfilter Ausrüstsätze für Hydraulische Systeme Hydraulisches Aggregat Hydromotoren Leitungen Hydraulikaggregate Endanschlagaggregat Satz Anschlüsse Luftgeberventile und Bowdwnzuge Verschiedene Hydraulikventile Elektropumpen Kolbenpumpen Nebenantriebe Druckknopftafeln Funkfernbedienung Reibkupplungen Öltanks Telescopic Jacks Kippventile Seilwinden |
Soportes Soportes Tracción Motores de Engranajes Bidireccionales Distribuidores Kits Eléctricos Elevación De Sistema De Techo Acoplamientos Rápidos Flange Kit - Drive Shafts Repartidores de Flujo Bombas de Engranajes Bombas Manuales Intercambiadores de Calor Cilindros Oleodinámicos Filtros Hidráulicos Kit Para Equipos de Volteo en Cabezas Tractoras Unidad de Control Oleohidráulica Motores Oleodinámicos Tubos Grupos Hidráulicos Grupo Final de Carrera Kit Racores Mandos Mecanicos y Neumaticos Válvulas Oleodinámicas Varias Electrobombas Bombas de Pistones Tomas de Fuerza Botoneras Radiomando Acoplamientos de Fricción Depositos Telescopic Jacks Valvulas Desviadoras para Volquetes Cabrestantes |